TDI assists Enomaq 2015 with its wide range of products for the wine analytic
One more year, Tecnología Difusión Ibérica (TDI) was present in Enomaq (Zaragoza, 24 to 27 February). This year, TDI designed a stand of 117 m2, in which made available to its customers all its range of oenological analysers developed using 100% TDI.
On one hand, the family of chemical analyzers, JOLLY 102 COLOR semiautomatic and the automatic range MIURA, with the models MIURA 200 and MIURA ONE. They are automatic analysers, chemical analysis multiparametric enzymatic, colorimetric and turbidimetric for all types of wines and musts. The analyser comes with all analytical parameters already programmed and reagents ready to use, allowing for immediate implementation and ease of use.
On the other hand, at the stand of TDI it was possible also find a range of infrared analysers BACCHUS 3 and BACCHUS 3 MultiSpec (capable of measuring simultaneously in the middle Infrared, Ultraviolet and Visible) in two versions available, manual and automatic. These analyzers are designed especially for analysis ripening controls, reception vintages, grape juice and grape must in fermentation, effervescent wines, finished natural sweet wines… They are also suitable for laboratory work and in receipt of vintages.
Reagents and standards
Regarding reagents and standards, TDI exhibited its wide range, fully developed in his lab. These include the Xpress gluconic, a method capable to show gluconic acid results in less than 3 minutes with an accuracy of ± 50 m/l. Of all the systems on the market, it’s the easiest and the safest, it does not require any preparation and can be used according to the needs of each customer. TDI range of equipment is completed with the sulfur TDI valuators ENO 20 ECO and PLUS, wich completely eliminate the problem of assessing the turn and phenolic interference; the automated filtration system of musts MOSTONET and the tartaric stability CRIOSMART, which can estimate the actual treatment needs for each wine, drastically reducing the time and energy consumption, using only 20 ml of sample without water.