Cellers Unió trusts TDI

CELLERS UNIÓ relies on TDI for the acquisition of a MIURA 200 high-performance chemical analyser.

Cellers UnióCELLERS UNIÓ aware of the importance of continuing to evolve technologically without losing sight of environmental problems, it is equipped with the new high-performance analyser MIURA 200 from TDI to improve the optimization of results, reduce analytical costs and also reduce the waste generated. With this acquisition, they will be able to invest more time in developing a more competitive and innovative product in order to reach a larger number of consumers.

After 18 years of working with the LISA 200 analyser, they trust a product again TDI.

Once again, TDI provides added value in service and advice based on meeting the needs of our customers.


Technical training sessions in Valdepeñas and Campo de Criptana

Technical training sessions in Valdepeñas and Campo de Criptana

Tecnología Difusión Ibérica has collaborated, on February 18 and 19, in the Technical Training Days that have taken place at the IES Gregorio Prieto in Valdepeñas and at the EFA Molino de Viento in Campo de Criptana.

In its more pedagogical aspect and always wanting to train good specialists in oenology, TDI has entered into agreements with these centers. These sessions are aimed at current students, former students, as well as wineries in the area that may be interested in attending.

The act began with an explanation of the history of the company, closely linked to the evolution of analytical techniques that have allowed the development of the sector to this day. The company’s full range of products was reviewed, ranging from FTIR analyzers to small titrators, explaining advantages, disadvantages, uses, etc.
photo-exhibition-valde alone-campo-criptana
Later the students were able to carry out practices with the teams, thus solving doubts and concerns.

Wineries in the area were given the opportunity to come with their samples to be able to analyze them and check “in situ” the operation of the machines.

From the company we want to thank both centers for the excellent organization and highlight the great welcome and interest on the part of all those attending the two Training Sessions. Participation has been a success and we believe that it is essential not to lose contact with educational centers and professionals in the sector in order to have an exchange of enriching technical experiences in both directions.


The only specialized in oenology

The only specialized in oenology

We are the originals, not the copy

TDI Enolution

Tecnología Difusión Ibérica, s.l. company specialized in oenological analysers and reagents since 1986 has focused its activity during these three decades on consolidating the national and international market with an extensive range of analysers, both infrared and chemical, becoming a benchmark for quality and professionalism in oenological analysis techniques.
TDI is the only company in the world dedicated exclusively to making oenological material. It has the wide range of products on the market, where its chemical analysers stand out MIURA and infrared analysers BACCHUS 3.
Tey have other analysers such as CRIOSMART (tartaric stability control), the ENO 20 (used to SO2L y SO2T detection), the ATP 3000 (detection of pH and AT at high rates), the FLASH (analysis of pH, total acidity and SO2), the ALCOQUICK(NIR for alcohol and density), the SMART (ultra compact, accurate and fast automatic chemical analyser), the densimeter ALM155 (density and alcohol degree measurement according to the official O.I.V.), and the DE2000 (Steam distiller to standards O.I.V. for alcohol and volatile acidity).

It is worth highlighting its rapid filtration system at the reception of harvests. MOSTONET®, essential element for the IRTF in analysis of musts.

To all these analyzers must be added their wide range of reagents and standards for direct use.


A whole team at your disposal

The balanced variety of their catalog is enough to satisfy most of the usual needs in oenology, which allows them to advise clients objectively, finding the best solution to their analytical problems. They are specialists in solutions for the reception of harvests. In addition, they offer payment facilities and adapted financing, as well as machine rental options.



Supply of reagents and consumables in 24 hours throughout the year (in Spain).


Our company has a team of technicians specialized in Oenology offering on-call service on weekends during the campaign (in Spain).


TDI researches, develops and innovates to always be at the forefront of oenological analysers.
We offer free parameter update.