Alcoquick 4000

NIR analyser


NIR analyser

Fast and direct measure of the % alcohol, density and dry extract in wines

Alcoquick measuring system 4000 is based on an innovative patented spectroscopic measurement method that allows a direct measurement of ethanol in wines, using infrared spectral bands specifically selected in the near infrared (NIR).

The lengthy sample preparation are no longer necessary. An additional advantage of this method is the independence of the type of wine to be measured. This means that all wines from all regions, despite their differences, can be measured accurately and quickly in less than 60 seconds and with only 40 ml of sample.
The system can incorporate a high-quality ultrasonic densitometer, being able to measure simultaneously the density and the dry matter in addition to the % alcohol.

Available in two versions: Laboratory and Portable.


  • 34 x 38 x 18 cm (Width x Depth x Height) Laboratory version.
Foto del producto Alcoquick de TDI en funcionamiento

ALCOQUICK 4000 (Laboratory version)

Foto del producto Alcoquick de TDI versión Portátil

ALCOQUICK 4000 (Portable version)

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BACCHUS 3 MultiSpec

BACCHUS 3 MultiSpec
Infrared Analyser (FTIR) and UV-VIS

BACCHUS 3 MultiSpec

Infrared Analyser (FTIR) and UV-VIS

(Manual and Automatic Version)
Provides simultaneously IR, UV and Visible absorbance spectra

Specially designed for analysis in: maturity control, harvest reception, musts and fermenting musts, sparkling wines, finished wines, natural sweet wines.

Suitable for laboratory and harvest reception work. At the reception, possibility of connecting the filtration unit MostoNet®.
Bacchus 3 MultiSpec and filtration unit MostoNet® are products patented by TDI.


  • 120 samples/hour.
  • Sample temperature regulated by Peltier effect.
  • Online prefiltration and degassing.
  • Specific measure cell.
  • Possibility to analyse samples where CO2 is present.
  • Automatic rinsing.
  • Management of urgent samples.
  • Flow-cell standardization.
  • Automatic adjustment of calibrations.
  • Results transmission by LAN or RS232.
  • Specific programme for Oenology, easy and intuitive.
  • The modular and compact design allows easy move and place in the laboratory or in reception.
  • Quality index at harvest reception configurable by the user.
  • Low maintenance costs.
  • Simple operation, no need of qualified personnel.
  • Material delivered with all calibrations available for wines and musts:
    • FTIR measure: Alcohol, pH, Total Acidity, Sugars, Volatile Acidity, Malic, Lactic, Gluconic, assimilable Nitrogen, degrees Baumé, Brix, etc.
    • UV-Vis measure: Colour Intensity, Modified Colour Intensity, Hue, TPI (Official Methods), Ascorbic Acid, etc.
  • Permanent analytical and technical advice by Oenological specialists for over 25 years.


  • 44 x 44 x 40 cm (Width x Depth x Height) MANUAL version.
  • 74 x 44 x 40 cm (Width x Depth x Height) AUTOMATIC version.
Detalle de la versión Multispec

BACCHUS 3 MultiSpec

Foto del producto Bacchus 3 Multispec manual de TDI


Bacchus 3 Multispec automatico


Send us this form if you want more information about our BACCHUS 3 MultiSpec.

If you want more information about more than one product, you can go to the section CONTACT.


Infrared Analyser (FTIR)

Infrared Analyser (FTIR)

(Manual and Automatic Version)

Specially designed for analysis in: maturity control, harvest reception, musts and fermenting musts, sparkling wines, finished wines, natural sweet wines.

Suitable for laboratory and harvest reception work. At the reception, possibility of connecting the filtration unit MostoNet®.
Bacchus 3 and filtration unit MostoNet® are products patented by TDI.


  • 120 samples/hour.
  • Sample temperature regulated by Peltier effect.
  • Online prefiltration and degassing.
  • Specific measure cell.
  • Possibility to analyse samples where CO2 is present.
  • Automatic rinsing.
  • Management of urgent samples.
  • Flow-cell standardization.
  • Automatic adjustment of calibrations.
  • Results transmission by LAN or RS232.
  • Specific programme for Oenology, easy and intuitive.
  • The modular and compact design allows easy move and place in the laboratory or in reception.
  • Quality index at harvest reception configurable by the user.
  • Low maintenance costs.
  • Simple operation, no need of qualified personnel.
  • Material delivered with all available calibrations for wines and musts: Alcohol, pH, Total Acidity, Sugars, Volatile Acidity, Malic, Lactic, Gluconic, assimilable Nitrogen, degrees Baumé, Brix, etc.
  • Permanent analytical and technical advice by Oenological specialists for over 25 years.


  • 44 x 44 x 40 cm (Width x Depth x Height) MANUAL version.
  • 74 x 44 x 40 cm (Width x Depth x Height) AUTOMATIC version.
Foto del producto Bacchus 3 manual de TDI


Bacchus 3 automatico


Send us this form if you want more information about our BACCHUS 3.

If you want more information about more than one product, you can go to the section CONTACT.